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Walnut Class

Dear Parents and Carers,

Firstly, thank you for your on-going support and patience at this uncertain time. We understand that each household is unique and each has varying pressures and concerns. We respect that families will face challenges and will need varying support over the coming weeks – we are here for each and every member of our community. Teachers and support staff are doing their very best to plan, mark and communicate a remote, quality curriculum for all children. However, we understand that for many reasons children may not be able to complete their learning. We are providing this as a support for home education, not to add to anxiety and pressure to families who may already be experiencing considerable stress. Please, if you have any concerns or worries contact us and we will do our very best to respond.

On our class page is your child’s Home Learning for this week. The focus is on providing learning materials with genuine value for your child, which they can complete as independently as possible. Our main priorities will be Maths, Reading, Learning Journey (writing), PE (physical exercise) and Religious Education (RE). Alongside home learning packs we will endeavour to send suggestions on how you can help your child’s learning and development at home.

Support and answers for Home Learning will be sent where possible. If you’d like feedback and marking for your child, please return work via email (word.doc/scan/photo) or via the Tapestry app.

The Home Learning folder has been split into subjects to help you organise your time as a family. We recommend that you use the suggested timetable to structure your day and use any additional time you have relaxing with family, exercising, reading as well as the suggested additional activities.

We are in the process of creating a resource pack for each child which will include stationary and exercise books for work to be completed in. We would really like for children to bring their Home Learning back to school when we reopen. In addition to this, you can also upload your work to Tapestry.

If you require more reading books, please access Oxford Owl for free, age-appropriate e-books.

One thing many children will struggle with is a lack of structure and timetabling. We would recommend that you create a timetable that suits your family. We have included an example timetable to help. A good timetable will include structured learning time as well as play time, nap time (if needed) time outdoors and life skills, such as washing up after meals, vacuuming and other chores. All of these things will help keep children more settled during this difficult time.

We do suggest that screen time (gaming, watching videos etc) is limited as this does have a negative effect on sleep and behaviour. A bad sleep routine has been proven to have a negative impact on behaviour, concentration and emotional wellbeing; therefore turn off all screens at least 1 hour before bedtime. If they use a device for reading before bed please set to ‘Night mode’ or ‘eye comfort’ mode or to the mode that limits blue light on that device.

Once again, thank-you for your support and patience at this time. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher via their email with any questions or concerns you may have. We will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

Best wishes to you and your family, TSJ Staff.

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