Class Teacher: Lyla Reynolds
Learning Journey
For our Geography Learning Journey we will be focussing on the question “Why do so many tourists visit the Spanish city of Barcelona?'
PE Days
Our PE days are on a Thursday and Friday. The children are to arrive at school dressed in their PE kit on these days.
Outdoor Learning
The children will have Outdoor Learning every Monday morning. We will also be learning outside as much as we possibly can this term so, please ensure children have their wellies or old shoes and a waterproof coat in school each day.
Spelling Practice
Spelling rules from our weekly spelling lessons can be practised on Spelling Shed ahead of our weekly spelling quiz each Friday. A paper copy of the spelling list is also sent home every week on a Friday.
I recommend that the children learn their list of spellings by practising for 5-10 minutes at home each night either on Spelling Shed or paper. Please see the spelling menu below for a list of suggested ways to practise in addition to this.

Being able to read fluently and comprehend text is essential for all children's success across the curriculum. Reading is taught daily in Willow Class with a particular focus on developing a passion for reading for pleasure. Our class ‘Book Nook’ is well stocked with a variety of books and the children can also access the school library throughout the day.
Children must have their reading book and reading record in school every day so that I can enjoy and celebrate reading with them. The children choose two library books within their reading range - a quick read that they can read and quiz on in a few days and a longer chapter book which may take 1-2 weeks to read. Library books can be changed on any day both in the classroom and in the library.
All children are expected to read at home daily for at least 15 minutes and are asked to keep a log of their reading in their Reading Record After completing a book, children are to quiz on Accelerated Reader at school or at home.
Or, look here for some more recommended reads.
In Year 4, we are having a big push on fluency of number facts and learning of times tables.
Children can practise these key areas including their individual targets on Times Table Rockstars, MyMaths or Hit The Button.
Each Friday, I will be setting the children a homework task on MyMaths to complete by the following Friday.
Spelling Practice
Spelling rules from our weekly spelling lessons can be practised on Spelling Shed ahead of our weekly spelling quiz each Friday. A paper copy of the spelling list is also sent home every week on a Friday.
I recommend that the children learn their list of spellings by practising for 5-10 minutes at home each night either on Spelling Shed or paper. Please see the spelling menu below for a list of suggested ways to practise in addition to this.
Additional homework will be set via Class Dojo.