Welcome to Chestnut Class
Class Teacher: Tom Shaw
Learning Journey
Learning Journey update:
Linked to our learning around diversity, our current learning enquiry question is, "How can poetry inspire change?”. We will be focusing on Black History Month, which this year aims to celebrate the achievements of black women throughout history. Therefore, we will be delving into the lives of pioneering black women who have shaped history and inspired change.
For the outcome of this learning journey, the children will be creating a powerful poem that celebrates the contributions of these remarkable women. Their poems will even be entered into the prestigious Black History Month Competition that is currently running.
PE Days
Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays (swimming). The children are to arrive at school dressed in their PE kit on these days.
Welcome to Year 6. Year 6 is an important year in which we support the children to become independent and reflective learners in preparation for life at secondary school – and beyond! As well as enjoying a broad and balanced curriculum, the children work incredibly hard and take on many extra responsibilities. This means that our Year 6 children are fantastic role models for our younger pupils and make a valuable contribution to the wider school community. On this page, you should find links to our curriculum overview for the year, our current learning enquiry question, along with other useful information including home learning expectations.
Outdoor Learning
Our Outdoor Learning sessions will take place on a Friday each week. Please can you ensure that your child arrives to school wearing suitable clothing, including their wellies or old shoes and a waterproof coat.
Being able to read fluently and comprehend is essential for all children's success across the curriculum. Reading is taught daily in Chestnut Class with a particular focus on developing a passion for reading for pleasure. Children must have their reading book and reading record in school every day so that I can enjoy and celebrate reading with them.
All children are expected to read at home daily for at least 20 minutes and are asked to keep a log of their reading in their Reading Record. After completing a book, children are to quiz on Accelerated Reader at school or at home. The children will be rewarded for their efforts at home.
Accelerated Reader Link
Why not try reading one of the top reads from Mr Shaw’s book corner? Or, look here for some more recommended reads:
Spelling Practice
Spelling rules from our weekly spelling lessons can be practised on Spelling Shed ahead of our weekly spelling quiz each Friday. A copy of the spelling list is also sent home every week on a Friday. I recommend that the children learn their list of spellings by practising for 5-10 minutes at home each night either on Spelling Shed or paper. Please see the spelling menu below for a list of suggested ways to practise in addition to this.
Each Friday, the children are set a homework task on MyMaths to complete by the following Friday. The tasks set provide the children with further opportunities to consolidate areas of maths covered in class during that week.
School Username: totnes
School Password: multiply
Additional homework will be set via Class Dojo.