Free School Meal (Benefits only)
Dear Families,
As you are aware the school is still closed, however, we are continuing to support our families whose children are eligible to access Free school Meals (FSM) who are receiving certain benefits, please see link attached.
We have put arrangements in place for children who are not in school and are in receipt of free school meals to receive a weekly food parcel to be collected from the school. This will contain a variety of basic ingredient items. If you have previously received a food parcel from us you do not need to contact us again, we will automatically provide one very week for you. The weekly food parcels are likely to continue for the next coming weeks. Please note: All contents are subject to availability under current circumstances and will be substituted as necessary.
If you are self-isolating and cannot arrange collection of the food parcel for your child and need this delivered to your home, please call the school office and we will take details and discuss the situation. Please note: Delivery will be subject to adherence to any restrictions placed upon by the Government.
If you are not eligible for Free School Meals but feel that your financial circumstances have changed then the council are continuing to accept Free School Meal applications from parents due to these changing circumstances and decreased household incomes as a result of Covid-19 – please apply online:
We take the health and wellbeing of our families seriously. To request an emergency food parcel please email the school office who will be able to assist. Collection protocol of food parcels Collection date expected - Monday 27th April
Following the governments most recent announcements we want to make sure that we are keeping all of you safe, therefore on collection day we will taking the following precautions.
Parents of pupils who are entitled to free school meals are asked to collect their parcel at the times listed below to ensure that there are not large groups of people on the school site.
Group 1: 12.00pm – 12.30pm – If your child’s surname begins with A – H
Group 2: 1.00pm – 1.30pm – If your child’s surname begins with I – P
Group 3: 2.00pm – 2.30pm – If your child’s surname begins with Q– Z
Staff will place the bags on tables near the school entrance. Parents/carers should take one bag per child from the table. Please remember to remain 2 metres apart from one another. Staff will be there to supervise this.
Once you have collected your bag please ensure that you leave the school grounds straight away so that you do not come into contact with the next group of parents that will be arriving.
You or a nominated person should arrive at school at the allocated time slot, if you are unable to do so please inform the office. If your child is not entitled to free school meals, but you are currently experiencing difficulties and would like to receive a food parcel then please email the school office on or call 01803 864695 and we can discuss this with you.
Warm regards