Star of the Week! This week's star is Daisy! Daisy has created a superb page for her Learning Journey. She has drawn a detailed and well-labelled diagram of the heart and has added some really clear explanations of the functions of each part. Well done Daisy!
Spelling Shed - Bee of the Week! Year 6 is in second place on the class leader board. Only Elm class are ahead of us. Well done to Teddy, Leah, Max and Tyler L; you have scored a great many points for Chestnut class this week. Teddy has scored so many that he has been able to create the most amazing avatar!
Rock Stars of the Week – are Max and Tyler L. Max has even been learning his 14 times table!
Accelerated Reader Well done to everyone who has quizzed this week. Leah, in particular, has been busy reading and quizzing at home.