Another brilliant week of home learning from Oak Class. You (children and grown-ups) should feel really proud of everything you are doing at home. It has been lovely to speak to you all and hear what you've been up to and not just the home learning but also the bike rides, the baking, the gardening, the daily walks, the crafting, playing games as a family and the list goes on. Let's make a special effort to make sure all these things continue once we come through these testing times. Well done to everyone for the positivity, the patience and the commitment this week.
This week's virtual silver certificates go to:
Tia Hyne - for making an extra special effort with her reading. Your enthusiasm has been inspiring!
Honor Shine - for the determination you have shown in your home learning. You are working so hard and are producing excellent work. Well done!
Oak Class are the week's league champions so well done to everyone who has been on Spelling Shed. This week's spelling star goes to...
Benji Davy - another week of amazing work on Spelling Shed!
Have a lovely weekend everyone,
Mr Hodgson